NW Orthopedic Spokane Wrist Exam

Wrist Sprain

What is a Wrist Sprain?

Our wrists consist of bones as well as ligaments acting as strong bands of conjoining tissue that are responsible for connecting one bone to another. When we damage or tear the ligaments in our wrists, the condition is known as a wrist sprain. A wrist sprain can occur when bending your wrist forcefully in an unnatural direction. For example, you may fall onto your hand while playing a sport and sprain your wrist. As a result, wrist sprain symptoms include localized pain, difficulty flexing, swelling, bruising, tenderness, and warmth around the injured area.

Not all wrist sprains are the same. Sprains in the wrist are categorized as:

  • Grade 1: a mild sprain with no torn ligaments
  • Grade 2: a moderate sprain with partially torn ligaments
  • Grade 3: a severe sprain with completely torn ligaments


Generally, Grade 1 and Grade 2 sprains can be treated with nonsurgical treatments such as a combination of ice, rest, and elevation, but may require surgery. Grade 3 sprains require surgical intervention to repair torn ligaments.

See a Specialist

To learn more about treatment options available for wrist sprains, please request an appointment online, or call 509-344-HAND (4263).

Make an Appointment

Appointment Resources

Once you have scheduled your appointment with one of our wrist doctors, please use the link below to obtain our new patient forms and browse through our tips and preparation suggestions for your appointment. 

Preparing for My Appointment & New Patient Forms